I’m Back!!!

Okay, I haven’t added any new content in a long damned time. I know this. I went through a very nasty divorce, severed the bicep tendon in my right arm, had major surgery to repair said tendon, found a new woman to have in my life, and quit smoking after almost 30 years all at the same time. That was a tough 6 months. Getting settled in to an entirely new life, I managed to get a grand total of 7 Kings of War games during that time; 6 during the DragonCon tournament in Seattle in 2018. I finally finished over 3000 points of Abyssals, but stopped painting for a time after that. That winter, Vanguard dropped, so I painted up some Basileans for Vanguard, and I started rebasing my rather derelict undead for KoW. I don’t like to say it, but I’m just not inspired by necromancy. I’ve tried to get enthused, but it’s just dead to me.

I wanted to go to some tournaments in Washington, Oregon, and California in 2019, but sadly, I was committing nearly $1000 a month to my legal bills as the divorce fight continued until September of that year. I got in a few games on UB, but that still wasn’t enough to really get me going again. Adam Padley came up with the idead of a running long tournament called “A Call to Arms” on UB, so I jumped in.

When 3rd edition of Kings of War rolled in, I was excited! Really. Until I got the book in my hands. Th forces of the Abyss, as I had known them were trashed. I would have to start over again, with some things, I would have to rebase Sophie to continue to use her as the bss. The Lord of lies was deleted from the list. Succubi had lost their power, and everyone seemed to agree that mollochs became a must have unit. I tried getting a horde painted up, but they’re still not finished. Just sitting in a drawer right now.

3 weeks later , Uncharted Empires came out. I thought I’d return to my herd army. I’m not thrilled with what they did to the herd either. It seems like they neutered its playstyle to make it Forces of Nature Lite. Well, I have a bunch of Dark Elves from GW, maybe I could do a Twilight Kin, but no, the only unit of real interest there is the impalers, and they’re just too expensive, points wise, to want to use. So, my interest started to wane again.

That said, I decided I was going to go to 3 Grand Tournaments this year (2020) and then the virus struck. The first one is set for later this month, but has been cancelled. The next is scheduled for August, and I’m really hoping that one will be a go. But in the Meantime, I have Call to Arms III going on. The largest ever Kings of War Tournament, played completely online. Prior to that was a 3-game warm-up. In the warm up I started playing my herd list, but it was getting blistered. I switched over to my MSU (Multiple Small Unit) Night Stalker concept. I am now working hard on this army to have it ready for the August Tourney, should it happen, in Seattle, and possibly the September Tourney in the San Francisco Bay area. It’s amazing that now that I’m no longer married to a woman who was making $21 per hour and getting 12 hours or so of over time per pay period, I have more money available. (For the record, if you’re a youngster reading this: DON’T EVER MARRY AN ALCOHOLIC, DRUG-USING GAMBLING ADDICT!) Okay, that rant is over. On to the new content. We’ll start with 2 new BATREPs using the MSU Stalker concept.

Goblins Vs Night Stalkers 2300 – Plunder

Abyssal Dwarfs Vs Night Stalkers 2300 – Invade

A Call to Arms IV Empire of Dust Vs Night Stalkers 2300 – Invade

Free Dwarfs Vs Night Stalkers – Raze

Author: briohmarsbattlealley

I've been wargaming since the 80's. I played Ancients, Sword and the Flame, The Chaos Wars, Knights and Magick, every version of Warhammer Fantasy, and have found my home with Kings of War.

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